Coats for Kids Orders Due

• September: Councils determine if they will participate in Buy One, Get One Free Promotion

• Supreme funds the free matching case if ordered through the SC State Council

• Councils send their order request & check to the State Council. State enters one order.

• The State Council orders and distributes coats among ordering councils at up to 5 locations.

• We need council commitment by 09/30 and order/payment by October 7th.

• October 14th – 21st order entered with Supreme.

• Shipments TBD.

• This is the only avenue to participate in BOGO and free matching cases of coats.

• Over thirty states have participated in this program successfully. This will be SC’s first time!

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Mon, Sep 30

Coats for Kids Orders Due

Date and Time

Monday, September 30

From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Contact Information

Dr Rick Swain