District 07
District 07 (Columbia, Lexington, Manning/Santee, Orangeburg)

David Perez
District Deputy 7

District Warden 7
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Council 6891 Orangeburg

Jose D. Martinez
Grand Knight 6891

Michael E. Bombard
Financial Secretary 6891

Brandon J. Chambers, PGK, FDD, FICF, LUTCF
Field Agent 6891
Corpus Christi Council 11325 Lexington

Thomas F. Collins
Grand Knight 11325

Michael W. Ludwig
Financial Secretary 11325

Michael T. Sibilia, FiCF
Field Agent 11325
St Joseph Council 12554 Columbia

Robert M. Mc Burney
Grand Knight 12554

Daniel F. Wagner
Financial Secretary 12554

Michael T. Sibilia, FiCF
Field Agent 12554
For a full listing of contact information, please to the website.