District 06
District 06 (Anderson, Pickens, Seneca)

Donald E. Thurlow, Jr.
District Deputy 6

District Warden 6
St. Gerard Majella Council 6884 Seneca

Thomas G. Zavertnik
Grand Knight 6884

Thomas Brennan
Financial Secretary 6884

Robert D. Mack
Field Agent 6884
Father Francis A Friend Council 8295 Anderson

David M. Farkas
Grand Knight 8295

Patrick S. Hayes
Financial Secretary 8295

Robert D. Mack
Field Agent 8295
Peter T. Villano Sr Council 9576 Pickens

Leo A. Glaude
Grand Knight 9576

John S. Pigeon
Financial Secretary 9576

Robert D. Mack
Field Agent 9576
For a full listing of contact information, please to the website.