District 03
District 03 (Conway, Loris, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach)

William E. Trimble
District Deputy 3

Ron Painchaud
District Warden 3
Our Lady Star of the Sea Council 7122 N Myrtle Beach

Carmine S. De Josia
Grand Knight 7122

Joseph A. Morrone
Financial Secretary 7122

Shane M. Goheen, FICF, MDRT
Field Agent 7122
Charles Andrew Smith Council 7531 Conway

Joseph A. Hicks
Grand Knight 7531

James A. Tomsic
Financial Secretary 7531

Shane M. Goheen, FICF, MDRT
Field Agent 7531
Fr William G Kinney Jr Council 14892 Loris

Joseph A. Kinney
Grand Knight 14892

James D. Risser
Financial Secretary 14892

Shane M. Goheen, FICF, MDRT
Field Agent 14892
Pier Giorgio Frassati Council 17824 Myrtle Beach

Richard W. Hardy
Grand Knight 17824

Joseph R. Langenfeld
Financial Secretary 17824

Shane M. Goheen, FICF, MDRT
Field Agent 17824
For a full listing of contact information, please to the website.