District 02
District 02 (Blythewood, East Columbia, Sumter)

M. Eric Cannon
District Deputy 2

District Warden 2
Bishop Henry P Northrop Council 2207 Sumter

James A. Smith
Grand Knight 2207

James M. Krivejko
Financial Secretary 2207

Robert E. McColl, FICF, LUTCF, RICP, CLU
Field Agent 2207
Monsignor Martin C Murphy Council 6847 East Columbia

Alex J. Garcia Martell
Grand Knight 6847

Michael V. Akright
Financial Secretary 6847

Alejandro Silva
Field Agent 6847
Transfiguration Council 13713 Blythewood

Richard P. Lavecchia
Grand Knight 13713

James A. Clements
Financial Secretary 13713

Michael T. Sibilia, FiCF
Field Agent 13713
For a full listing of contact information, please to the website.