District 01
District 01 (Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head)
Richard R. Ronde
District Deputy 1
District Warden 1
Michael O Connor Council 5026 Beaufort
Dr. Beda E. Alvarez, Jr.
Grand Knight 5026
Robert S. Pieters
Financial Secretary 5026
Robert E. McColl, FICF, LUTCF, RICP, CLU
Field Agent 5026
Raymond G Bennett Council 7289 Hilton Head
Francis J. Sheridan
Grand Knight 7289
Mack O. Ellis
Financial Secretary 7289
Robert E. McColl, FICF, LUTCF, RICP, CLU
Field Agent 7289
Thomas D Reilley Sr Council 10668 Hilton Head
James F. Jumpeter
Grand Knight 10668
George A. Salemi
Financial Secretary 10668
Robert E. McColl, FICF, LUTCF, RICP, CLU
Field Agent 10668
Cardinal Bernardin Council 12263 Blufton
Herbert L. Stregles
Grand Knight 12263
John J. McAndris
Financial Secretary 12263
Robert E. McColl, FICF, LUTCF, RICP, CLU
Field Agent 12263
For a full listing of contact information, please to the website.