Faith In Action Around the State

Council 8182 Supports the Columbus Hope Foundation

St Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 8182 in Simpsonville takes great pride with participating in the Columbus HOPE Foundation.

Council 8182 takes great pride with participating in the Columbus HOPE Foundation. As experienced in past years the recipients of these charitable contributions are most humble and appreciative and it is a blessing to witness first hand the dedication, commitment and compassion these people give to those special needs children in their charge. Recently Council 8182 again presented their annual Columbus HOPE Foundation checks to Special Olympics Greenville and to the Meyer Center for Special Children and we left with with our hearts filled with joy by the feeling of being so blessed by those we serve. By funding these organizations, he Columbus HOPE Foundation helps so many to improve the quality of their lives by giving these special needs children the opportunity of simply being accepted, loved and included.


Brothers Bill Willette and John Gilbert Presenting Check to Josh Hall.


Brother John Gilbert Present Check to Monica Gibson - Meyer Center for Special Children


Meyer Center Thearapists working with a child