The State Community Director, Eric Cannon hosted the soccer finals yesterday and completed an outstanding competition. As long standing chairman for this event, he managed dozens of volunteers, explained the rules of the competition, set the fields for the shoot-out, determined winners, planned for our State Deputy to award trophies, and provided lunch for over 50 participants, family members, and Knights. It was a beautiful sunny and cool day, perfect for this event. We are fortunate for the example he created in showing us how to implement a successful event.
South Carolina State Soccer Challenge Competition Results Saturday, November 16, 2024
Age/Gender Name Score Council
9 yrs old Girls Clare Feuerhero 180 10819
9 yrs Old Boys Sam McDevitt 205 5194
10 yrs Old Girls
10 yrs Old Boys Joseph Fuerherd 225 10819
11 yrs Old Girls
11 yrs Old Boys Samuel Castillo 155 5194
12 yrs Old Girls Julie Molinari 175 8980
12 yrs Old Boys Gerald Evans 185 5194
13 yrs Old Girls Ambiance Martinez 215 5194
13 yrs Old Boys
14 yrs Old Girls
14 yrs Old Boys