State Deputy's Message

February 2024

The beginning of Lent, Recap of the Mid-Year meeting, Next Year's slate of Officers, State Convention

Brother Knights,

We have entered the season of Lent. While we will all be busy in our own way, let us remember that Lent is a season of preparation through penance and prayer. All our works and efforts are accomplished through Jesus Christ for the greater glory of God. Let us each give back to our Lord, by taking time to truly reflect on sacrifice and our own inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ’s will more faithfully.

Thank you to all who attended the Grand Knight Mid-Year meeting earlier this month. I received positive feedback about the open discussion, and more specifically the COR hour that Rick Swain led. I personally enjoyed hearing the many approaches to various activities that were shared by many different Councils. Reminder to all who attended, please share any feedback, positive or negative. We can’t improve if we do not know what you are looking for.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee read the following Slate of Officers for Fraternal Year 24/25:


State Deputy Jeffrey M. Crouch 1668

State Secretary Jay Scott Friedman 6726

State Treasurer Sherrill Ed Wilcox 7062

State Advocate Richard W. Swain 11325

State Warden Patrick J. Noone 6576


In only six weeks, we will come together in Spartanburg for our 103rd State Convention. The purpose of the State Convention is for all Councils throughout the State to come together in Fraternity and share and celebrate the many accomplishments of our Councils and Brother Knights. There is business that is required, and subsequently, every Council has a responsibility to participate. However, we have minimized the business session to offer a more family friendly, faith-based experience for every attendee. We have also adjusted the format of our annual banquet to make it more enjoyable for all. Lastly, this year we will be offering a Fourth Degree Exemplification, which will begin at 1PM on Saturday April 6.

I pray for continued success in all your programs, activities, and efforts. Please reach out to your District Deputy for any assistance. Remember this weekend, to spend an extra five minutes in prayer, and to ask a man to become a Knight. If done in the right order, there is no stopping us!

Semper Fidelis!

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