Boni Agency News

February 2024

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I’ve been reading about different kinds of parties to throw to celebrate Valentine’s Day. One site online listed 35 different suggestions, from a Fondue Night to a party centered on serving a heart shaped pizza. I guess Valentine’s Day is another well-established holiday to celebrate and I’m also guessing that the greeting card industry is happy. (The candy companies and florists are right there with the greeting card industry.) From individual cards that adults send each other to the packs designed for school kids to give to classmates, the stores are stocked with a myriad of selections.


The celebration of love is always popular After all, isn’t love what every holiday celebration is about? Whether it’s a birthday, wedding anniversary, or holiday, it’s all about love! Valentine’s Day, though, sees love get a spotlight. We celebrate our love for another.


Insurance is all about love. Most people buy insurance because they love someone. A husband buys life insurance because he loves his wife and children. If he’s not there to provide for them he wants to make sure they can stay in the same home, enjoy the same lifestyle, provide a college education for his children. With many two income families, wives buy life insurance for the same reasons.


Long Term Care Insurance and Disability Income Insurance help protect the family from the vagaries of life: Needing care in the home or in a long-term care facility or being hurt or sick and unable to work affects the family. These products help protect the family one loves. Even our retirement annuity products help the ones we love. With forward thinking and fiscal discipline, a retirement annuity helps spouses spend their retirement years knowing they can have a guaranteed lifetime income. Less worries for the ones we love.


All the products we have available are centered around protection; protecting the ones we love. Is your protection where you want it to be for your loved ones? Let’s meet and discuss what you want. I’ll give you a call or feel free to contact me.

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